Tehillim – Psalm 28

Whilst a person is alive, he has all the days of his life to earn G-d’s mercy before his trial in the afterlife. However,...

Tehillim Psalm 23

This week’s Psalm is the well know song we sing every Shabbat, before Kabbalat Shabbat and during seuda shalishit. ‘Hashem Roey Lo Echsar’ -...

Tehilim – Psalm 46

There is an interesting Torah thought that if the weekly Sedra, or an approaching festival contains an idea or verse identical or similar to...

Tehillim 149

This psalm is full of lofty praise for Hashem. The penultimate psalm of Tehillim has been made into an ever popular Avram Fried song....

Tehillim – Psalm 74

From amidst the tremendous agony of a long drawn out exile, Jews have frequently prayed that Hashem will deliver His nation thereby causing His...


In this week’s psalm, King David appeals to G-d to rescue him from his enemies. ‘Elokim l’hatzeleni, Hashem l’ezrati chusha- O G-d to rescue...

Tehillim – Psalm 30

This week’s Tehillim is for a Refuah Shalemah for Rabbi Aharon Yehuda Leib ben Gitel Feiga Shteinman Psalm 30 is one of the most famous...

Tehillim Psalm 16

This week’s Tehillim is in memory of Esther bat Yaacov Moshe In this week’s psalm, we open with the line that has been used by...

Tehillim – Psalm 77

We have just finished the joyful festival of Chanukah. Fresh from watching Jews of all ages light up windows around the world...

Tehillim Psalm 33

This tehillim is for a refuah shelema for Shalom ben Gracia This Psalm is highly recognisable to us as we say it each Shabbat during...

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