Tehillim – Psalm 38

This Tehillim is for a refuah shalema for Yaakov Yitzchok ben Pesha Feiga For a Refua shalema for Yaakov Yitzchok ben Pesha Feiga In life, people...

Tehillim Psalm 27

This Psalm is one of the most famous across Tehillim, as we recite it each morning after Shacharit from the beginning of Elul, until...

Tehilim – Psalm 17

In this week’s psalm, we start with a phrase that is tremendously essential for the Jewish people throughout life, “Hakeshivah rinati ha’azinah tefilati –...

Tehillim – Psalm 30

This week’s Tehillim is for a Refuah Shalemah for Rabbi Aharon Yehuda Leib ben Gitel Feiga Shteinman Psalm 30 is one of the most famous...

Tehillim – Psalm 29

This week’s Tehillim is l’ilui nishmat Zelda bat Shoshana This Psalm is well known as the one we sing both on Friday night as a...

Tehillim Psalm 25

This week’s Psalm begins with the word ‘LDavid’ – ‘By David.’ This is a popular opening, found across many Psalms. According to Rabbi Hirsch, the...

Tehillim – Psalm 44

In this week’s Psalm, the sons of Korach vividly portray the recurring oppressions and persecution of exile, which have sadly plagued our history, and...

Tehillim – Psalm 56

Very often when a person’s situation seems completely hopeless, he will lose all hope and utterly despair. However King David did not lose any...

Tehillim Psalm 14

In this week’s Psalm, King David reflects on a world where degraded people deny Hashem exists and therefore, they persecute Israel, thinking that they...

Tehillim – Psalm 54

This week’s Psalm is the last in the section for day nine. When a person is unfortunately betrayed by loved ones and pursued by...

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