Jewish Care Families welcomed babies, toddlers, young children and their teddy bears, along with their parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents and residents from Jewish Care’s Otto Schiff care home up to the age of 102, to an incredible intergenerational Teddy Bears Picnic event at Jewish Care’s Maurice and Vivienne Wohl Campus in Golders Green.

130 people shared the fantastic morning of fun with vibrant entertainment at a music and movement session by KangarooKids that kept everyone captivated, including the residents of Jewish Care’s Otto Schiff care home on the care campus, who enjoyed being part of the intergenerational community event, joining in with all the favourite songs, fun bubbles and fancy dress.

The children and their favourite teddy bears, along with their families, enjoyed the delicious picnic provided by Jewish Care Families. They got creative with facepainting, and teddy bear art and PJ Library ran a teddy bear mask-making activity and supported the event. Jewish Care Trustee and Jewish Care Families Committee Chair, Amy Woolf, drew the raffle and the event was run by the amazing Jewish Care Families Committee, with young volunteers from the ages of 5 to 15 years old also helping out with activities stalls.

Marlene, 90, is a resident at Jewish Care’s Otto Schiff care home and enjoyed chatting with the visitors. She said, “I really enjoyed it, I think you did a good job today.” Her daughter, Betty, added, “Mum really enjoyed it and loves seeing all the children and families.”

102-year-old Dorothea, who lives at Otto Schiff care home, loved getting involved with the music and fun hats, and said how much she enjoyed meeting the children.

Leo, age 2, took a break from the teddy bear art easel to share, “I had a fun time”, whilst mum, Lauren, added, “We really enjoyed the dancing, the music, the bubbles, and of course the art.”

5-year-old Abe, whose mum, Amanda, was volunteering, said, “I loved the art and music and helping.”

Shoshana and Yaakov Cohen with their son, who is 11 months, brought Paddington Bear along. Shoshana said, “It was a really exciting community event, mixing all ages with music and activities. Everyone felt so at home, my family had the best morning. I think it’s really lovely that Jewish Care Families arranged this for everyone. Big thanks to Jewish Care who are truly amazing!”

Yaakov, Shoshana’s husband, added, “The atmosphere was electric!”

Amy Woolf, Jewish Care Trustee, and Jewish Care Families Committee Chair, said, “It was incredible to bring the community together and to see the joy that the children and the music brought to the residents from Otto Schiff care home. The event raised vital funds to help Jewish Care to care for and support older people with dignity and respect, whilst enjoying a truly special intergenerational morning. Thank you to our Jewish Care Families Committee, our volunteers of all ages, and Ruth Silver from KangarooKids for all their hard work in making the morning such a success.”

Jewish Care’s Director of Fundraising & Marketing, Ellisa Estrin, added, “These intergenerational community events, and our intergenerational activities across our care homes and community centres, are so important and people of all ages benefit from this special connection.

“I’d like to thank all the children, families and residents for coming to support us. The funds raised will help support us in our work, caring for older people across the community. Thanks to the Jewish Care Families Committee and all our volunteers for their incredible energy in making it such a special morning.”