SUSSERS – They’ve got it all sussed out!

Naomi Frankel It’s high season in Sussers and I’m surrounded by boxes. Yitzi Freedman, owner of the kosher fine wine shop is busy when I...

Alex Lissner – Mobile PC-Medic

When Alex Lissner helped out a member of his family with an IT issue, little did he know that it would eventually lead to...


Land Commercial Surveyors is a family run business founded by Lewis Diamant in 1989. His son, Adam, began working as a negotiator for e...

March of the Living UK

The business section of The Jewish Weekly has earned its fame for inspiring our readers with great in-depth articles on how  determined people have...

Cooking up a top-class kosher storm across Europe

By Naomi Frankel The qualities of highly successful people include finely-tuned attention to detail, as well as an unwavering determination to succeed. No one knows this...

Parienté couture your look • Our pride

By Mordechai Ullman The thought of buying a wig conjures up different emotions for people. For a young and often nervous religious bride, covering her...

How to live wire a successful business

Naomi Frankel Not many people can say that they started their career whilst still at school, but Avrom Leigh certainly can. At 27, he is the...

To Hasc and beyond

By Mordechai Ullman It’s his sixth album in the past decade, but Mincha is more than a beautiful collection of songs. It contains many messages...

Winter of Discord and Discontent

Scientists and MPs are jointly calling for changes to the isolation rules, precipitated by the recent track and trace confinement of Boris...

Ben Robbins – Bespoke Kosher Travel

Finding the ideal holiday destination can sometimes be difficult, add to that the need to have access to kosher food, and this can make...

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