More than 3000 kids ‘walk the distance’ for Ohel Sarah on Yom Ha’atzmaut

On Yom Ha’atzmaut 15th April 2021, over 3000 children from 19 schools and nurseries across the UK: Glasgow, Manchester, Birmingham and London, collectively walked...

The Great Fly Hunt

By Chaya Sandler Orit was just about to bite into a nice juicy peach when she suddenly shrieked! Joel came running to see what the...

Stress Ball

We all get a little stressed and angry sometimes. Can you imagine how upset the Jewish people must have felt when they thought Moshe...

Triple Trouble

By Chaya Sandler “Catch!” The ball went sailing through the air as the sea breeze played with Daniel’s curls. He knocked into Ari and the...

Change of scenery

The scene was peaceful. Almost perfect. Rachel and Danny were playing with their ball in the front garden. The sun was shining, the sky...

Looking back, trekking forward

By Chaya Sandler Shlomo was wet. The rain thundered down with absolutely no intention of stopping any time soon. Shlomo was absolutely soaked through, his...

JNF UK announces winners of national mask competition

JNF UK has announced the winners of its national mask competition. Nearly 1000 pupils from 14 different Jewish schools submitted mask...

Arts & Crafts – Cotton wool sheep

You will need: • 1 wooden peg • 1 packet of cotton wool balls • 4 used matches • 1 sheet of newspaper • 1 small piece of black...

Parshat Terumah

In this week’s Parshah, Moshe receives the instructions from Hashem on how to build the Mishkan. Do you know what the Mishkan was? The...

Watermelon Ice Pops

Ingredients 5 cups seedless watermelon pulp ½ cup sugar ¼ cup mini chocolate chips Green ice cream, such as mint, sherbet or green tea...

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