Tehillim : Perek Aleph

  This week’s Tehillim, is in memory of “Hayeled Yaakov Moshe Ben Harav Avraham” פרק א א אַֽשְֽׁרֵי־הָאִישׁ אֲשֶׁר לֹא הָלַךְ בַּֽעֲצַת רְשָׁעִים וּבְדֶרֶךְ חַטָּאִים לֹא עָמָד...

The Chief Rabbi’s Dvar Torah : Parshat Terumah

http://chiefrabbi.org/article/dvar-torah-parashat-terumah/   In his D’var Torah this week, the Chief Rabbi teaches us that when we master the art of giving, we receive in return. At the...

Ask The Rabbi – How To Treat A Convert

HOW TO TREAT A CONVERT Q. How should we treat a convert – to Judaism, and away from Judaism? A. The convert to Judaism must be...

Cannibalism, Candles and Conversions

by Rabbi Raymond Apple  CANNIBALISM Q. Is cannibalism kosher? There was an incident in 1972 when survivors of a plane crash in the Andes ate the...

Prayer perspectives

The Amidah in numbers Looking closely at the Amidah allows us to see how numbers are at the root of the fabric that weaves together...

The challenge of finding Hashem

By Rabbi Arnold Saunders A few years ago, there was a very popular pastime. It was called "Where's Wally?" This involved looking at a cartoon...

Speak up and speak out for those who live in the shadow of Haman

By Rabbi Jeremy Lawrence As we get ready for Purim we are reminded of the villainy of Haman, who proclaimed that a certain people was...

Tehillim – Psalm 45

This Tehillim is in memory of Jean Claude Nissim ben Rose Rzala Psalm 45 is a beautiful song of praise, which eloquently describes the splendour...

Tehillim Psalm 22

The deer is especially devoted to its mate, and indeed the animal enjoys much fame across Scripture! Many times they are referenced, such as...

Tehillim – Psalm 119

Two weeks ago we came across the shortest psalm in all of Tehillim with just two verses, and now we come across the longest...

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