Ohr Hamercaz on Breaching Confidentiality

By R' Yaakov Schonberg BREACHING CONFIDENTIALITY   Bava Basra 39b discusses squatters’ rights: one who squats on land for three years is assumed to be the owner...

How Can I Bear This Alone?

By Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon   In Parashat Devarim (1:12), Moshe says to the people, “How can I alone bear your contentiousness, your burdens, and your...

Tisha b’av and October 7th

By Rabbi Moshe Taragin With every passing year, Tisha b'av mourning for the lost beit hamikdash becomes more challenging. The disastrous fall of Yerushalayim and...

Hester Panim

By Rabbi Moshe Taragin The names have no meaning. Forty-two unknown and historically insignificant desert locations. Forty-two sand dunes along our winding journey to the...

Is God our mother?

by Rabbi Moshe Taragin The Talmud in Berachot sternly warns against invoking Divine compassion by referencing “the compassion He shows to the mother bird,” who...

A weekly glimpse into the Israel you won’t read about in the news

By Sivan Rahav Meir From Majdal Shams to Jerusalem 1) The 12 children were murdered in Majdal Shams in a Hezbollah attack have been laid to...

Ohr HaMercaz Daf Topics by Rabbi Yaakov Schonberg

THE MAKING OF A MIKVAH   Bava Basra 66a discusses the invalidation of מים שאובים, drawn water, and is a parallel passage to Bava Kama 67a...

Tehillim : Perek Aleph

  This week’s Tehillim, is in memory of “Hayeled Yaakov Moshe Ben Harav Avraham” פרק א א אַֽשְֽׁרֵי־הָאִישׁ אֲשֶׁר לֹא הָלַךְ בַּֽעֲצַת רְשָׁעִים וּבְדֶרֶךְ חַטָּאִים לֹא עָמָד...

Tehillim Psalm 32

This week’s Tehillim is lilui nishmat Zelda bat Shoshana This week’s Psalm is one of the Tehillim that one says if they are looking for...

Bilam’s Lessons of Jewish History

Bilam and Balak’s conspiracy to halt the Jewish advance dominates most of parshat Balak even though the story could easily have been summarized in a few brief verses. Bilam’s prophecies are included, in part, because...

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