On Thursday evening, Chai hosted an inspiring and memorable L’Chaim at The Wallace Collection, bringing together more than 170 of their closest supporters, including Trustees, members of our Medical Advisory Panel and Advisory Board, to thank them in person for their loyal support.

This perfect settling provided the ideal opportunity to share Chai’s exciting plans for the future and to update guests on the groundbreaking strides Chai has made, most notably the remarkable success of the NHS England Jewish BRCA programme. Since its launch in January, over 23,000 tests have been distributed, marking a significant step forward in addressing genetic risks within the community. This initiative, in collaboration with Jnetics, aims to test 10% of the UK Jewish population within the next 18 months, demonstrating Chai’s commitment to advancing this vital campaign.

Chai’s Chairman, Louise Hager welcomed everyone and emphasised that cancer can touch anyone, regardless of age or status. She said: “What is not often recognised is the challenge of survivorship which just last week was brought to the fore through the very brave message beautifully articulated by the Princess of Wales in the video she shared with us all. The Princess epitomises the randomness of cancer. It doesn’t discriminate by age or social-economic standing. A young, fit, health-conscious person can still be affected. But this isn’t news to us at Chai. Over the past few years there has been a marked change in the demographic of our clients with 1 in 3 now being under 50. The impact of a single diagnosis, especially at such a young age, can often affect 4 generations within a single family and we have developed a range of services to meet their individual and specific needs.”


Professor Daniel Hochhauser, Professor of Medical Oncology at UCLH, Clinical Director of the Cancer Research UK-UCL Centre and member of Chai’s Medical Advisory Panel, updated guests on the direction of cancer care and the major innovation in personalised medicine. He highlighted that one of Chai’s strengths is to provide individualised support for all of our clients. He said, “Chai is so brilliant at taking forward the concept of tailoring individual treatment for cancer patients. It has really been a revolution, a paradigm shift that we can tailor cancer treatment to the individual cancer patient. Whilst there is this wonderful revolution going on, none of this reduces the need to have an organisation like Chai that can make sense to the patient. Every member of the Medical Advisory Panel are incredibly grateful to them.”


Chai’s Chief Executive, Lisa Steele, spoke of her difficult decision to step down from her role in January and thanked guests, she said: “To so many Chai is a home, a refuge – it’s family. I feel incredibly proud and privileged to have played a part in Chai’s journey. A huge thank you must be given to all our trustees, advisory board members, medical panel, staff, counsellors, therapists and volunteers for everything that you do. Thank you also to our wonderful donors and supporters, without whom Chai would not be able to provide our specialised services and help those in the most trying of times.”


Guests enjoyed the opportunity to explore the magnificent treasures of the Wallace Collection, guided by expert curators. Attendees were also treated to a special viewing of the spectacular Flora Yukhnovich exhibition, a limited-time showcase that added an extra layer of beauty and inspiration to the evening.