An exclusive first UK launch event for Chayal’s Angels called ‘Experience Calm’ brought together 60 attendees for a night dedicated to raising awareness and funds for the charity’s vital work supporting Israeli soldiers. Chayal’s Angels a nonprofit organisation provides healing relief to brave on-duty IDF soldiers through holistic treatments that ease the impact of physical and emotional trauma.


The unique ‘Experience Calm’ event, co-organised by Chayal’s Angels, Fundraising Director, Lauren Posner and one of several UK Chayals Angel volunteers, Maxine Elias, the mother of a lone soldier and Founder of A Healing House,  offered a profound insight into the charity’s mission. Each attendee experienced an immersive experience into the day in the life of Chayal’s Angels and the important work they do for IDF soldiers and reservists.


The focus of Chayal’s Angels is on providing vital mind, body, and soul healing to address the specific needs of on-duty soldiers. The event featured various therapy treatments, allowing guests to participate in activities such as the cacao love ceremony, reiki, movement, breathwork, massage, cranial osteopathy, biomechanics, sound bowls, mindfulness, and more. These activities mirrored the holistic treatments Chayal’s Angels offers to soldiers, aiming to give guests a deeper understanding of the charity’s impact.


Lauren Posner, Fundraising Director for Chayal’s Angels, said: “The exclusive UK launch event for Chayal’s Angels offered a unique opportunity for guests to experience a soldier’s day and sample various treatments. The evening was a beautiful, hands-on, and impactful experience. The guests really enjoyed the evening and got a true insight into the work we do in Israel.”

Maxine Elias, added: “The importance of supporting our soldiers, relies on our strength as a community. With that in mind ‘Experience Calm’ was created, offering local ladies a hands on therapeutic healing event”.


The story of Eli was shared at the event. Eli, 31, originally from the United States, enlisted in the IDF as a lone soldier eight years ago. Inspired by his grandparents, who also served, Eli felt compelled to return to Israel on October 7th, following news of conflict. Eli and his unit served for 155 days in intense conditions. The emotional and physical toll was significant, but the support from Chayal’s Angels marked the beginning of their healing journey. Eli recalled, “Meeting with Chayal’s Angels marked the beginning of our healing journey, providing a safe space to release our stress.”


CEO Tasha Cohen said: “Every week, soldiers benefit from the healing hands and equipment of a variety of therapeutic treatments. They gain new skills to maintain their energy and resilience and feel supported by the global volunteers, who are delivered directly to the bases. Our goal is to understand and meet the soldiers’ needs, offering a range of treatments. Together, we are committed to providing comprehensive care and resources, ensuring our soldiers receive the support they deserve.”


Joe Silber, Founder of Wellness Centre – Peak Performance in Whetstone, generously donated his venue for the event and provided massages throughout the evening. His contributions were invaluable, enhancing the overall atmosphere and offering a taste of the physical therapy support that Chayal’s Angels provides to soldiers in Israel.


@cardsofcare were present at the event too, each attendee had the opportunity to write personally to an injured soldier on a personalised card.  All the cards will be delivered to Israel.

All the guests left enlightened, invigorated, and with a deeper connection to our soldiers.