Chana Weissman

In 2009, a single speech in Madrid ignited a movement that would help save thousands of Jewish lives. At the center of this story is Rabbi Baruch Garzon, Chief Rabbi of Madrid (and in fact, the first chief rabbi in Spain since the Inquisition!) who transformed his community’s passion for Jewish continuity into action. Partnering with EFRAT, the organization dedicated to supporting expectant mothers in crisis, Rabbi Garzon has rallied Spanish-speaking communities worldwide. From Spain to Latin America and beyond, his efforts have sparked a global mission, proving that one voice truly can change the future—one baby at a time.

The Birth of a Partnership

When Dr. Eli Schussheim zt”l, then head of EFRAT, reached out to Rabbi Garzon in 2009, it led to a momentous gathering in Madrid. Dr. Schussheim delivered a powerful address to some 100 attendees, outlining EFRAT’s core objectives: providing emotional, financial, and medical support to expectant women in crisis, empowering them to choose life for their babies.

The message resonated deeply with the community, especially the notion of contributing to the growth of the Jewish population in Eretz Yisrael. Rabbi Garzon and his community embraced the cause, quickly forming EFRAT Spain, a legal entity that would help spread EFRAT’s mission not only throughout Spain but to Spanish-speaking Jewish communities worldwide.

A Global Reach

Rabbi Garzon and his core group began reaching out to other Jewish leaders of Spanish-speaking communities worldwide, organizing events in Miami, Mexico, and Caracas. Through conferences, videos, posters, and fundraising dinners, EFRAT’s message of hope spread. Rabbi Garzon’s modesty belies the impact of his work: millions of dollars raised, all of which were channeled directly to EFRAT’s lifesaving operations.

Even after making Aliyah in 2013, Rabbi Garzon continued his work from Raanana. As the leader of EFRAT Spain, he has remained deeply committed to EFRAT’s mission while also serving as the president of Agudat Moreshet Yahadut Sefarad and Yagdil Torah Raanana.

His dedication only deepened after the tragic events of October 7, 2023, when Israel lost many soldiers in a devastating attack. Moved by the profound loss, Rabbi Garzon launched the “A Soldier Fallen, A Baby Born” campaign, a new initiative aimed at offering hope amid the grief. The campaign, which honors fallen soldiers by supporting new births in Israel, has resonated deeply with the global Jewish community. Through videos, social media, and fundraising events, EFRAT Spain continues to rally Jews worldwide to support mothers in crisis and honor the memory of those who gave their lives for Israel.

A Lasting Message

Over the past 15 years, Rabbi Garzon has remained steadfast in his mission to support mothers in crisis. With EFRAT having saved over 88,000 babies in its years of activity, he continues to witness the joy and hope that these new lives bring. His message to women in distress is clear: “HaShem has entrusted you with the sacred mission of ensuring the continuity of life. Use your strength and give the gift of a new child to HaShem and to the Jewish people.”

Rabbi Garzon also appeals directly to potential donors, reminding them of their unique opportunity to make a difference: “You hold in your hands the life of a new Jewish baby. Listen to your conscience and participate generously in EFRAT’s sacred work. Remember, ‘Whoever saves one life in Israel is as if they have saved the whole world.’”

To empower a mother and save a life in memory of our fallen soldiers, visit or contact