GIFT’s inspirational ‘Days of Giving’ programme, began last week, a unique initiative designed specifically for Year 9 students to become active givers. This innovative programme is part of GIFT’s broader high school journey curricula, which aims to engage and educate students through a variety of activities and events tailored to different schools and year groups.


Following a successful pilot phase, the ‘Days of Giving’ programme is being implemented in four schools so far: Immanuel College, Yavneh, JFS, and JCOSS. The programme, strategically scheduled after end-of-year exams, provides a blend of engaging educational sessions, interactive and practical giving experiences. It has been met with enthusiastic demand, with plans already underway to expand to additional schools in 2025.


Throughout the programme, a total of 450 students will participate in various impactful activities designed to encourage day to day acts of giving and introduce volunteering in all aspects of life. Highlights of the Days of Giving programme include:


  1. Supermarket Challenge: Students visit local supermarkets and are tasked with budgeting £13 to provide kosher food for a family of four for a week.
  2. ABC’s of Volunteering: Educational classes introducing the fundamentals and importance of volunteering.
  3. Game of Life: An interactive session based on a combination of board games, focussing on the value of money and the chesed opportunities you can do with it.
  4. Making Brownie Boxes: Students prepared and packaged brownie boxes for GIFT recipients.
  5. Volunteering at GIFT hub: students come into GIFT to help at the hub.
  6. Food Donation Sorting: Students sort through post-Purim and pre-Pesach food donations, resulting in over 100 boxes of food to be distributed to families in need.
  7. Packing Treat Bags for Children: A hands-on activity where students pack small bags of treats for children.
  8. Creating Social Media Content: Students create and promote content focused on acts of kindness for GIFT’s social media pages.


“We are incredibly excited to see the enthusiasm and engagement from the students participating in the ‘Days of Giving’ programme,” said Barry Colman Secondary Schools Manager. “This initiative not only teaches practical skills and the importance of giving but also empowers the next generation to contribute positively to their communities. The success of this programme reflects the growing demand for educational experiences that go beyond traditional learning.”


The ‘Days of Giving’ programme is facilitated by GIFT educators, who bring a wealth of experience and passion for promoting acts of giving. By providing students with hands-on opportunities to make a difference, GIFT aims to instil lifelong values of generosity and community service.


GIFT’s commitment to expanding the programme in 2025 underscores its dedication to reaching more schools and impacting more students. The organisation is looking forward to broadening the scope of its initiatives and continuing to inspire young people to become active and compassionate members of their communities.