On Tuesday this week, over 120 participants joined JNF UK for an insightful session with Major General (Res.) Uzi Dayan as part of their online “Voices from Israel” series. Uzi Dayan has had a distinguished career, including roles as Deputy Chief of Staff of the IDF, Head of the Israeli National Security Council, and as a former member of Israel’s Knesset (parliament).

In his interview conducted by JNF UK’s Dana Zohar, Dayan discussed the multifaceted threats posed by Hezbollah, Lebanon, and other terrorist organizations that continue to target Israel. Dayan noted that Hezbollah, possessing more rockets than Hamas, is a significant threat with escalating tensions in the region.

Hezbollah is continuously launching attacks on Northern Israel causing casualties, severe infrastructure damage, and widespread fires. These attacks have severely disrupted the lives of residents, with 60,000 Israelis evacuated from their homes and hundreds of thousands remaining under constant rocket threat.

Dayan also emphasized the critical threat posed by Iran, stating that if Iran achieves nuclear capability, the existing problems will be compounded by a new, significant threat with widespread implications, potentially leading other Middle Eastern countries to seek similar capabilities. Ending on a hopeful note, Dayan expressed his belief that Israel will become more democratic, and stronger in the future.

JNF UK CEO Elan Gorji stated: ” We are incredibly grateful to Major General (Res.) Uzi Dayan for sharing his invaluable insights into the current conflict. His expertise offers a crucial perspective on the severe and ongoing threats that Israel faces, particularly in the North. While much attention has been focused on the South, it is vital to raise awareness of the suffering of hundreds of thousands of citizens in the North living under constant threat and the tens of thousands who have spent nine months in temporary accommodation across Israel.

JNF UK will continue to support and stand with the communities impacted by the events of October 7, helping them heal, rebuild and strengthen. Our work extends beyond immediate relief, aiming to ensure a safe and resilient future for all Israelis, whether in the South or the North.”

To watch the live recording of the event visit: www.jnf.co.uk/uzidayan