Students from LSJS’s year-long Adult Education programmes got together to celebrate the completion of their courses at a special siyum last week.

Students at the Siyum included those from the new Rabbi Sacks course; an in-depth study of key areas of Jewish thought through the writings of Rabbi Sacks, which was based on a course Rabbi Sacks originally devised in 1978. There were students who had completed LSJS’ Tanach Course where they studied all 24 books of the Bible with a range of expert Jewish educators.

The LSJS Rabbi Sacks Learning Fellowship for young professionals also received their certificates having completed their one-year free programme. Throughout the fortnightly sessions, they studied a range of topics in Jewish thought, such as free will, responding to evil and Jewish approaches to AI; each taught from the viewpoint of Rabbi Sacks’ teachings with educators who were some of his closest talmidim.

The Iyun advanced halacha learning programme for women were also in attendance, along with Rabbanit Surale Rosen who leads the course and had flown in especially from Israel. Iyun, now going into its third year, has allowed a group of women to study the laws of brachot in-depth this year, having covered Kashrut in the first year.

The Siyum featured representatives from each cohort sharing words on what they had learnt and how their course had impacted them.

Other speakers at the evening were Rabbi Barry Kleinberg, who facilitates and teaches on the Rabbi Sacks in-depth course, Michael Rainsbury, LSJS Head of Adult Education, LSJS Dean Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum and LSJS Chief Executive Jo Greenaway.

“It was especially meaningful to hear from students on this year’s LSJS Rabbi Sacks Learning Fellowship who have all completed projects with the aim of making a contribution to their communities,” said Michael Rainsbury, who runs the Young Professionals Rabbi Sacks Learning Fellowship.

“As we approach the end of another busy academic year, it is such a privilege to get together to mark our Adult Education students’ year-long journey,” said Joanne Greenaway, Chief Executive of LSJS.

LSJS will shortly be releasing details of its Elul programme, which features a special version of its popular Covenant and Continuity course as well as lectures and events to get you ready for the high holidays.