Nightingale Hammerson resident, Zena Wolff (86) was awarded top honours at the National Dementia Care Awards as the ‘Inspiring Volunteer’ at the Royal Lancaster Hotel on 13th June. We believe this is the first time a resident has been recognised in this way and receiving such a prestigious award.

Zena has lived at Hammerson House, Wohl Campus since September 2021, living life to the full and making many friends during this time.  Sadly, one friend was diagnosed with dementia and after some time was unable to recognise Zena.  This did not deter Zena from spending time with her friend.  Often by her friend’s bedside, Zena will read to her or simply be there and hold her hand – offering comfort and companionship at times when she may otherwise have been alone.  Zena continues to do this every day and wishes to say, “Thank you to all my friends at Hammerson House, who have equally been a wonderful support to me. We all deserve an award!”

The Care Team has been amazed and are in awe of Zena’s dedication and her friendship.  Director of Care, Chipema Chitambala said, “It has been incredibly heartwarming to see the care Zena has shown her friend. Zena doesn’t want any limelight being shone on her whatsoever, but we are over the moon that she has been recognised. Everyone can take some inspiration from Zena’s kindness.”

The National Dementia Care Awards acknowledged many other care providers from around the country, including other Jewish charities, highlighting the significance and importance of good care in our communities. Zena was nominated along with 8 others, of which she was the only resident. The Jury acknowledged Zena’s commitment to being an active member of the Care Home community and an incredible friend and support to new Residents and those who may be struggling. She, without judgement, provides love, comfort and care to her peers and is an exceptional friend to all. She makes Hammerson House a friendly place to live and cares for all, including the staff teams.

Nightingale Hammerson was also delighted to be nominated for three further awards. The finalists being: The Clinical Psychology Team, who were also commended and runner up for the Dementia Care Team Award, our Engagement Care Lead, Arielle Rostant for The Wellbeing Award and Judith Ish-Horowicz MBE, Co-founder of the Apples & Honey Nightingale Nursery, for the Intergenerational Award.

Chief Executive, Jenny Pattinson said, “We were delighted to be nominated and selected as finalists to attend the National Dementia Care Awards. Zena is a remarkable person and a deserving winner of this award; it demonstrates Relationship-Centred Care at its absolute best. We were so proud that our incredible Clinical Psychology Team were runners up in the Team Award and our wonderful Arielle and the Intergenerational Training Programme were finalists in their categories. It was a very successful night of celebration for the whole Care Team.”

Nightingale Hammerson provides outstanding Residential, Rehabilitation, Nursing, Dementia and End-of-Life care to over 200 Residents at their Homes, Nightingale House in Clapham and Hammerson House, Wohl Campus in Hampstead.