Prime Minister - Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara, met today, at the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem, with families of hostages who have been notified that their loved ones are deceased.

Prime Minister Netanyahu said to the families:

“We are committed to returning everyone, all 120 hostages – living and deceased. Even if this is in stages, we will not give up on anyone.

When we are in Gaza, the pressure changes; our activity creates opportunities to return the hostages.

We will not leave the Gaza Strip until all of the hostages return, and we will not leave until we eliminate Hamas’s military and governing capabilities. We do not have the option of giving up; we do not have the option of giving up on victory.

This is my position. Whoever opposes it should do so openly.”

The Prime Minister was accompanied by Coordinator for the Hostages and Missing Brig.-Gen. (Res.) Gal Hirsch, the Prime Minister’s Military Secretary, Maj.-Gen. Roman Gofman, and Hostages, Missing and Captives Authority Director Yaron Cohen.

A meeting with additional families of deceased hostages is due to be held this coming Sunday.