The Rebbe (R) pictured with Chief Rabbi Berel Lezar shlita

Tens of thousands of mourners attended the funeral of the Skulener Rebbe,

Rabbi Yeshaya Yaakov Portugal zt’l, from Boro Park who died last Shabbat.

The esteemed rabbi, 68, was born in Bucharest and had suffered from serious illness for a number of years. The eldest son of Rabbi Yisrael Avraham Portugal zt”l, who he succeeded five years ago, and grandson of Rabbi Eliezer Zusia Portugal, zt”l, Rabbi Yeshaya Yaakov displayed a deep love of Torah throughout his life.

His father, who survived the Holocaust, became known for rescuing Jewish children during Communist rule in Romania. Both his father and grandfather risked their lives to preserve Yiddishkeit under Communist rule.

The Rebbe went on to inspire a generation of Jews from all walks of life.

After relocating to the United States, the Rebbe continued the work of his late father.

Chasidim would wait outside his home to receive his blessings and advice day and night.

His compassion was a comfort and strength to everyone who visited. His knowledge and leadership, however, was far beyond Boro Park, as he played a crucial role in supporting the Chessed L’Avraham network  of schools in Israel and spread Torah around the world.

The Rebbe who survived a life-threatening illness a number of years ago, an event he thanked G-d for publicly, is survived by his brothers, the Skulener Rebbes of Williamsburg, Monsey, Lakewood and Jerusalem who carry on the Skulen dynasty, and many chasidim globally.

The funeral took place at the Skulener Beis HaMedrash in Boro Park followed by burial at the Vizhnitzer Beis Hachaim in Monsey last Sunday.