Wohl Ilford Jewish Primary School in Barkingside has been graded ‘outstanding’ in all areas in their recent Pikuach inspection with inspectors describing it as a ‘beacon school’.

Pikuach is the inspection service accredited by the Department of Education to undertake inspections of religious education at Jewish schools in the UK, and is the statutory equivalent of Ofsted.

Headteacher, Lisa West, said she was thrilled that the inspectors called WIJPS a ‘beacon school,’ as they could clearly see how incredibly special the school is. The Pikuach report comments “the way the school goes about developing pupils’ Jewish character and values is exemplary, and [is] worthy of being disseminated widely as an example to other schools.”

Of the school’s Quality of Jewish education, Pikuach judged WIJPS as outstanding because, “the curriculum intent is strong and provides memorable experiences and rich opportunity for high-quality Jewish learning for all pupils, including those with additional needs and those from different backgrounds.”

In regard to Jewish personal and spiritual development, “pupils leave with a real love of Judaism, respect for others, and the ability to make informed choices.”

Two inspectors spent two days at the school, immersing themselves in the Jewish studies aspects of the school. One inspector, who visited Key Stage 2 tefillah, reported that he could feel Hashem in the room, as he was visibly moved by the experience of children from all backgrounds davening together.

Rabbi Sufrin, Rabbinic Governor for the school, played a large role in the Pikuach inspection and said he feels “proud and honoured” to be on the governing body of the school. A regular visitor to the school, Rabbi Sufrin regularly supports Kabbalat Shabbat, runs termly ‘Ask the Rabbi’ lessons for years 5 and 6, and supports many of the hands-on activities from which the pupils’ benefit, such as Friday night dinners and matzah making workshops.

WIJPS has the United Synagogue as its foundation body, but caters for pupils from all backgrounds, reflecting the changing demographic of the area but steadfastly holding onto its core Jewish values.  Nevertheless, the Pikuach report found from pupil and parent surveys, that responses were overwhelmingly positive, with “100% of pupils reporting that they enjoy coming to school and feel safe and secure.”

Chair of Governors, Ben Saltman, expressed his delight that the inspectors could see the strength of the school’s leadership and management, as “school leaders and governors have a shared vision, articulate the ethos of the school, and are actively involved to ensure that their high standards are maintained.”   

Inspectors also praised the Jewish Studies Lead, Deborah Harris, who “models excellent practice in academic and spiritual matters, works successfully to develop teaching and learning, and conveys passion and devotion to the whole school community.”

A Year 6 pupil told the inspectors, “WIJPS is an excellent school.  We are a community and we all respect each other.”