As Operation Swords of Iron continues to affect northern and southern Israel, residents face unprecedented challenges and dangers. The risk that many evacuees may not return to their homes threatens the collapse of long-standing rehabilitation projects where Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF) has invested significant resources.

In response, KKL-JNF is allocating 225 million shekels in emergency aid to local authorities in these regions, addressing uncertainty around government assistance and the ongoing conflict along Israel’s borders.

The aid plan includes 160 million shekels for southern communities, such as Ofakim, Sderot, the Merhavim Regional Council, Netivot, Hof Ashkelon Regional Council, Ashkelon, Eshkol Regional Council, Sha’ar HaNegev Regional Council, and Sdot Negev Regional Council. An additional 65 million shekels will support northern communities, including Hurfeish, Beit Jann, Kisra-Sumei, Peki’in, Yesud HaMa’ala, Nahariya, Ma’alot-Tarshiha, the Golan, Merom HaGalil Regional Council, Metula, Mevo’ot HaHermon Regional Council, Mateh Asher Regional Council, Upper Galilee, Ma’ale Yosef Regional Council, Kiryat Shmona, and Shlomi.

The aid distribution will be based on factors such as population size, distance from the border, socio-economic status, and the percentage of evacuated residents. KKL-JNF’s recovery strategy leverages its expertise to maximize effectiveness, focusing on land preparation for housing and agriculture, development of security and agricultural roads, construction of public buildings, creation of green spaces, educational programs, infrastructure development, reforestation, and critical support for the rehabilitation and recovery of affected residents.

Additionally, KKL-JNF will invest up to 30 million shekels in upgrading the Evron Reservoir. This project will help divert water from the Ga’aton River, significantly reducing flood risks for Nahariya, which has previously suffered severe damage. The reservoir will also provide essential water resources for agriculture in the Ma’ale Yosef and Mateh Asher regional councils.

Ifat Ovadia-Luski, Chairwoman of KKL-JNF, said: “During these challenging times, KKL-JNF stands firmly with the residents of northern and southern Israel. We are committed to ensuring the continued survival and prosperity of these frontier communities. The assistance we provide is part of our broader efforts to restore vital infrastructure, support local agriculture, and strengthen community resilience. We are driven by a deep sense of national responsibility, working to maintain rehabilitation projects, ensure food security, and support agricultural efforts.”