40,000 people marched through the streets of central London in an impressive display of global solidarity on Sunday. Twenty-four countries united in a demand for the immediate release of hostages held in captivity by Hamas in Gaza. The event was inspired by the annual march in New York. Participants carried flags of Israel, the UK and other countries, signs representing various organisations and banners calling for the release of hostages. Merav and Amir Daniel, parents of Oz Daniel, participated in the march which ended with a rally in front of 10 Downing Street. Oz was abducted by Hamas on October 7. He was murdered while in captivity. Amir noted: “It’s very hard for us to travel the world and to speak to people. But we cannot just sit at home and cry. We ask the whole world to return our Oz, our son, with the other hostages. The time is critical. The hostages have no time left. Bring them home.” Osnat and Menachem Getz, uncles of Omer Nauta, joined the march as well. Omer, who grew up in Long Island, New York, has been held captive in Gaza since October 7. Menachem, said: “Hamas released a video showing Omer and his group being taken hostage. Since that day, we have heard nothing. There has been no sign of Omer. It’s devastating and no family should go through such horrible days. We still have hope. But every day is crucial, every day is critical.” The march featured speeches from speakers including Lionel Benjamin, cousin of Ron Benjamin who was murdered in captivity in Gaza, Prof. Daniel Shek, a veteran ambassador in the Israeli Foreign Service, Dr. Nader Falah, a representative of the Iranian community strongly opposed to the Revolutionary Guards, and Lord Polak. Orit Eyal-Fibeesh, co-founder of 7/10 Human Chain, expressed gratitude on behalf of The Hostages and Missing Families Forum UK for global support from diverse backgrounds and faiths in a collective plea for justice. Reflecting on past rallies, she recounted the October 15 gathering, where participants mourned the nearly 1,400 lives lost on 10/7 and committed to advocating for the hostages’ return. Over 240 days later, the call remains urgent. Eyal-Fibeesh urged the audience to empathise with the hostages’ suffering and questioned global indifference. She demanded the unconditional return of the Israeli hostages, emphasising the importance of resolving complex issues to end the suffering on both sides. Eyal-Fibeesh introduced speakers and family members expressing a heartfelt wish for their reunion under better circumstances. Nivi Feldman, forum, co chair, closed the event by holding a silence for 125 seconds, a second per hostage, to mark those still not home, before the Israeli and British anthems were sung led by Moni Tivony and Uri Shine. Feldman said: “We are working around the clock to support the hostage families in their plight to bring them home. The hostages are our family, they are my family. When I hear that any of them is suffering, that any of them are confirmed dead, any bodies come out of Gaza my heart breaks, every time, bring our family home thank you.” At the end, yellow balloons were released with prayers to conclude the day. Feldman added: “The families were immensely thankful. They said we gave them the strength to go on, one day at a time. The event was incredibly moving, bringing together over 40,000 people, amazing volunteers, a human chain, many supportive organisations and with the support of the police and CST, we had rallied together as one community. I pray and hope we see the hostages return home.” Phil Rosenberg, newly-elected Board of Deputies President was present with this being his first public event. “I could not have been to support a more important cause. It is time for the world to cry out in unison with us, ‘bring
them home now!’”.