Today is the United Nations International Day to Protect Education from Attack. Students and educators in Israel know all too well the devastating consequences that terrorism has on their studies. Lately, this impact has become even more apparent.

On October 7th, Hamas killed countless young people, many of them students. They murdered 38 children in cold blood – children who will no longer play at school, children who will never go on to attend university.

On October 7th, Hamas murdered parents of 116 Israeli children. This year, those children were missing a parent to walk them to school, and they began their studies with one less parent to support them.

On October 7th, Hamas snatched 251 people from their homes – among them 42 children and dozens of other students and teachers. While 40 children have since been rescued, their time in captivity caused a lapse in their education and has left intense trauma that will follow them for the rest of their lives.

On October 7th, Hamas left deep psychological scars on communities across Israel. Families from the north and south spent months evacuated from their homes due to the continued threat of attack from Hamas and Hezbollah. Over 45,000 children lived in hotels and learned in temporary schools, attempting to piece together a sense of normalcy. Though many families from the south have returned home, they begin school this year with an additional weight – the weight of losing a friend, a family member, and the life they knew before.

The international community must stand with Israel and help us protect our education – and our future – from terror.