Shaare Zedek UK held a unique event on Sunday at New North London at which over 100 attendees were present

Following an introductory presentation on Shaare Zedek Medical Centre in Jerusalem,  an address by former patient Martin Brownstein and a warm and positive welcome from Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg, a talk and discussion entitled “ Antisemitism in Sport & Society” ensued with a distinguished panel of speakers

The panel comprised David Bernstein, former Chairman of the Football Association and Manchester City football club , Claudia Mendoza Chief Executive of the Jewish Leadership Council, media adviser and former ITN presenter Graeme Miller, former league footballer Joe Jacobson and experienced football agent Phil Korklin

The panel discussion was chaired by Jonathan Metliss , member of the advisory board of Shaare Zedek UK , Chairman of anti-racism charity Action Against Discrimination and the Jewish Weekly

Each of the panellists provided their own perspective on the subject There followed a series of questions and comments from the floor covering far-ranging issues relating to antisemitic behaviour and incidents , both in sport and in general answered by each of the panellists in turn. One agreed point was redefining “ antisemitism “ as the more realistic  “Jew hatred “

Oshrit Cowan , Chief Executive of Shaare Zedek UK said, “ this was an outstanding and successful evening with a lively and engaging audience. We heard a healthy discussion on antisemitism in the UK and with important and significant additional funds  being raised for Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem  “

Jonathan Metliss said “ we on the panel were delighted to support and promote such a worthy cause and the discussion on antisemitism in both sport and generally was both far ranging and stimulating , with significant audience participation and engagement “