This morning, Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) Director General Moshe Edri, addressed the 68th International Atomic Energy (IAEA) General Conference in Vienna, and commented on the regional challenges facing the State of Israel, especially Iran and Syria, which are not honoring their international commitments in this field. He also noted the cooperation between Israel and the IAEA in security and nuclear safety among other fields.

Following are excerpts from Director Edri’s remarks:

Iran continues to be the main source of regional instability, and poses a threat to peace and security worldwide. This reality requires the full attention of the international community, now more than ever before. There is no doubt that Iran conducted a military nuclear program aimed to produce several nuclear weapon devices. Iran continues to advance this program by gaining relevant technology and knowledge, along with fissile material in alarming amounts. Iran has been conducting covert nuclear activities in undeclared sites for many years. The Agency has found concrete evidence of these activities, including the use of undeclared nuclear material and equipment.

Despite repeated resolutions by the Board of Governors, Iran has continuously failed to provide technically credible explanations regarding these activities, and continues to deceive the Agency and the international community.

Moreover, Iran continues to develop, test and deploy long-range ballistic missiles, and supports terrorist organizations throughout the Middle East, including the Houthi terrorist group that is a significant security threat to the freedom of navigation, and to the global trade routes. A nuclear-armed Iran, equipped with delivery systems, is not an option that Israel, or the world, can, or should tolerate.”

He added:

“As the Director General of the Israel Atomic Energy Commission, our national task is to guarantee the safety and security of our nuclear facilities that are openly targeted by Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran, even more so since October 7th. Israel continues to demonstrate its responsible behavior in this regard, and continues to take all necessary precautions to ensure that these facilities are operated according to the highest international safety and security standards to withstand these threats as required.”

This year’s conference is being held from 16-20 September. AEC Director General Edri is chairing Israel’s delegation, which is composed of AEC and Foreign Affairs Ministry representatives.