On Saturday 25 March, Barnet Synagogue hosted a celebratory Shabbat to celebrate 10 years of Rabbi and Naomi Lerer as Rabbi and Rebbitzen.
The synagogue was full with members eager to participate in the celebrations, including special guests: the President of the US, Stephen Pack, and MP for Chipping Barnet, Theresa Villiers.
Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, in a letter to Rabbi and Naomi Lerer said “you are an outstanding orator, counsellor, organiser and motivator. As both Rabbi and friend to many, you are a source of comfort, guidance and inspiration. Rebbetzen Naomi, you are innovative, inspiring and tirelessly dedicated to helping others”.
As part of the honour Rabbi Lerer, Naomi and their family (Zevi, Amichai, Yishai, Gadi and Yakira) were given the first Simcha Tree in the Barnet Synagogue Simcha Forest to commemorate this celebration. The Simcha Forest comprises many trees, inscribed with the names of loved ones, that will grace the staircase and landing wall at Barnet Synagogue.
Amongst gifts presented to Rabbi and Naomi Lerer from various committees, staff and members were several books, a “customised” Liverpool shirt and a decorative Tzadokah box.
After the speeches, including a speech from two of Rabbi Lerer and Naomi’s sons, there was a special Kiddush enjoyed by all.