Building on the momentum of a summer of amazing camps, and with new teams of talented and devoted Madrichim and Madrichot appointed, Ezra Youth Movement has launched this year’s exciting programming in earnest.
In preparation for the Yomim Noraim, Elul heralded the advent of a new Bais Hamedrash programme for older high school boys. Each night the participants were provided engaging material to learn, inspiring speakers, and, of course, hot food. As well as this, Ezra Girls organised uplifting Tashlich and Pre Yom Kippur Selichos evenings for all high school girls. These featured speeches and advice on how to gain most from the difficult Tefillos of Elul and Tishrai and were very well attended.
Following Yom Kippur, Ezra Boys, tool boxes in hand, helped the community to build its Succos, simultaneously raising money for charity, and having an abundance of fun as well. The action continued into Sukkos, from thrilling Chol Hamoed outings such as trampolining and quasar, to the Simchas Beis Hashoeva on the Thames. Ezra organised events for over 300 participants.
The highlight for many was our special Leil Hoshana Raba Event. Starting in the early evening, and finishing late into the night, 150 boys, from the early years of high school to seasoned yeshiva bochrim, learnt the entirety of Meseches Sukkah. As well as an inspiring siyum and uplifting speeches, all the boys had the opportunity to experience the power of a full Bais Hamedrash. At the end of the evening everyone crowded into the Sukka for a delicious meal of shwarma, chips and hotdogs.
Ezra will continue to provide engaging and essential programming for the communities young boys and girls moving into the winter; with weekly Shabbos afternoon and Motzai Shabbos groups, the Friday Night Learning Programme for boys, the Bas Mitzvah program for girls and much more. For details of upcoming events, or for any further information, please email