Five rockets fired from Gaza on Friday night (September 7) will add to the workload of therapists at the Emunah Sarah Ronson Crisis and Intervention Centre in Sderot. Centre director Tami Beck said: “Thank G-d there were no physical injuries but whenever you read these reports remember that the psychological trauma and stress deeply affects the lives of children and adults in the local area. We provide support for children and teenagers who wet their beds and are afraid to go to school as well as counselling adults suffering from crippling anxiety.”
Last month, Emunah reported “a sharp increase” in the number of people using the southern Israel-based crisis centre with over 80 percent of clients aged under 18. The centre also helps those suffering from physical, sexual or emotional abuse.
Meanwhile, British Emunah needs to raise £500,000 so the centre can move to new, larger premises with more therapy rooms and more specialist staff to cope with growing demand. Emunah is a leading provider of welfare services with a network of nearly 200 projects across Israel, of which 37 are supported by British Emunah.
Adds Tami Beck: “We desperately need help as without the UK’s support we would not be able to meet the needs of so many clients.” For details of the British Emunah Gala Dinner on 24 September visit or call 020 8203 6066.