Press Release: 20 December 2018
The London School of Jewish Studies (LSJS) is delighted to announce that Ofsted has graded its JTTP (Jewish Teacher Training Partnership) teacher training programme as ‘Outstanding’ in all areas.
This is a significant achievement for the only Ofsted accredited provider of initial teacher training in the Jewish Community. Over the last 5 years, LSJS has trained more than 200 teachers who are teaching across the country, many of whom are engaged with teaching Limmudei Kodesh. The report recognised that “LSJS is successfully fulfilling their mission to support the recruitment of high-quality teachers to the growing number of Jewish schools across the country and offer high-quality specialist training in Jewish Studies for both general practitioners and specialists.”
Praising the programme, Ofsted noted that “trainees thrive because of the high-quality training they receive”. The report recognised the “leaders’ pursuit of excellence” and that “leaders’ strong moral imperative to develop outstanding teachers and provide outstanding education for pupils is always clear.” There was specific praise for the personalised approach to training which has resulted in every teacher being rated as either Good or Outstanding.
The programme was praised for the way it trains teachers to be confident regarding equalities and safeguarding, with the report stating that “[trainees] receive the highest-quality, comprehensive training to ensure that they understand local, national and international risk to the safety and wellbeing of children. Training ensures that trainees and newly qualified teachers have a thorough knowledge of their responsibilities relating to equalities in education”.
Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, President of LSJS, extended his warm congratulations to all those involved in the programme, saying, “The work that LSJS and its partner schools do in ensuring that we have high-quality teachers for our community has immeasurable value. There can be no higher calling than to prepare the next generation to live a committed and fulfilled Jewish life, engaged with the modern world.“
Reflecting on this success, Jonathan Bach, Director of Teacher Training said, “this outstanding report reflects the hard work that leaders, mentors and partner schools do to ensure pupils have excellent teachers. We are delighted by the result and by the fact that the report has recognised that our graduates are extremely well prepared to take up their teaching posts”
LSJS offers four routes into teaching including; SCITT (a one-year, full time primary teacher training course where trainees engage in a mix of lectures and school-based placements. Trainees also work towards a Postgraduate Certificate of Education (PGCE)); School Direct Primary Programme (run in partnership with Wolfson Hillel Primary School) and School Direct Secondary Programmes (run in partnership with Yavneh College) both of which offer ‘on the job training’ where candidates are employed by a school and released once a week to train and develop. At secondary level, candidates specialise in either Jewish studies, Hebrew, maths, science or another modern foreign language; and ‘Assessment Only’ a route for experienced but unqualified teachers.
Kirsten Jowett, Headteacher of Wolfson Hillel Primary said, “As lead school for the Primary Schools Direct Programme, Wolfson Hillel is thrilled that Ofsted have judged the programme as outstanding in partnership with JTTP. We look forward to continuing to grow exceptional teachers for the community.”
Spencer Lewis, Executive Headteacher of The Yavneh Schools said, ‘I am delighted at the
outcome of the recent OFSTED inspection. I am so proud that Yavneh College is the lead school for the secondary School Direct programme and that we have a truly outstanding teacher training provision serving the Jewish community right across the UK’.
Every day, more than 6000 pupils are taught by graduates of LSJS. This Ofsted report is proof that they are being educated by some of the best trained teachers in the country.
People interested in training to teach Limmudei Kodesh or Chol subjects in 2019/20 should contact LSJS to find out more ( or 020 8203 6427). More details are available on the LSJS website