Chana was proud to host their first event in their brand-new Chana Kasner Centre. In collaboration with Laniado Hospital UK, Chana was privileged to host a talk by Dr Aryeh Simmonds, Paediatrician and Neonatologist, and Director of Laniado’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
The evening was opened by Honorary Executive Director Mrs Carolyn Cohen, followed by a short presentation by Chana’s Scientific Advisor Dr Veronique Berman. Attendees included a range of professionals within our community, including doctors, midwives, doulas, nurses, and a member of the Chevra Kadisha.
Dr Simmonds shared fascinating and emotionally challenging scenarios that arise within neonatal care, and the halachic dilemmas that are often faced. Chana support many couples whose babies require support on the neonatal ward, such as premature birth, medical complications, pregnancy complications and genetic problems. Chana are also here to support couples who sadly face pregnancy loss or neonatal death.
The notable difference between UK hospitals and Laniado, is that in the UK we do not have the privilege of the on-site halachic considerations around medical care that Dr Simmonds demonstrates.
Couples in the UK who find themselves facing challenging Halachic dilemmas within neonatal care can turn to Chana. Chana can offer Halachic guidance and support in their time of need. They can also facilitate accessing an expert, specialist second opinion and provide emotional support from therapists who understand the halachic elements of medical care. To book the seminar room facilities for your own event at the new Chana Kasner Centre please get in touch at