In today’s world, where evil seem to prosper in every country, the righteous could well be forgiven for thinking that our exile is a long dark road, with no end in sight. David Hamelech asks Hashem in the opening verse, “Until when will You forget me eternally, until when will You hide Your countenance from me?”

Even Moshe Rabbeinu could not fathom why wicked people prosper, famously asking G-d to show him His glory. Hashem responded that “No one can see My face and live,” meaning that whilst we sojourn on this earth, we cannot reach the true level of understanding G-d. That distinct pleasure is reserved only for the righteous in Garden of Eden, who sit with crowns upon their heads.

King David goes on to ask how long he must devise schemes to keep up his faith whilst surrounded by wicked people and misfortune. He entreated the Almighty to answer him immediately, before the “sleep of death” overtakes him. But he has perfect faith even in the most trying of circumstances. This Psalm ends with a famous verse: “But I will trust in Your kindness, my heart will exult in Your salvation; I will sing to Hashem, for He has dealt kindly with me.”

It is interesting to note how the most righteous Jews who ever lived, such as King David and Moshe, were constantly battling with G-d, asking for information and praying for success in all their endeavours. It wasn’t just in a shul, or only on Yom Kippur, but with everyday simple occurrences, such as shepherding sheep or walking in mountains.

We too must take that lesson into our own lives – to pray to Hashem all the time and wherever we are.
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