US Defence Secretary resigns

US Defence Secretary, General James Mattis, resigned yesterday after President Trump announced that US forces would leave Syria.

FRA survey highlights growing anti-Semitism in Europe

An overwhelming majority of 16,500 respondents around Europe have cited an increase in anti-Semitism in the largest survey of Jewish people conducted...

Jewish leaders slate Hungarian magazine over anti-Semitic front cover

A Hungarian magazine has been lambasted for publishing a front cover of a Jewish leader surrounded by Hungarian banknotes. The Figyelő cover shows a picture...

Tributes paid to ‘patriot’ Bush

Tributes have been paid to George HW Bush following his death last Friday aged 94. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described the 41st President as a “great...

CNN reveal startling results on Holocaust and anti-Semitism

A new study has revealed startling attitudes in Europe towards the Holocaust and anti-Semitism. Incredibly, 40 percent of young German adults stated that they know...

Conference of European Rabbis cautions Israel about engaging with far-right parties

Chief Rabbi Goldschmidt, President of the Conference of European Rabbis (CER), has cautioned Israeli politicians to not to engage with far-right political parties in...

US Submits Resolution Against Hamas to UN

US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley is to submit a draft resolution condemning Hamas at the UN General Assembly. Haley, who steps down...

Historic Appointment by Foreign Ministry

Israel’s Foreign Ministry announced the historic decision earlier this week. Ambassador Deek, who hails from Jaffa, is the first Arab Christian to receive the honour. The...

Conference of European Rabbis meets Israeli Government to discuss the rise of the far-right...

Conference of European Rabbis meets Israeli Government to discuss the rise of the far-right and plans for better Jewish engagement CER set to appoint ambassador...


Eleven people have died and six others, including Daniel Leger, pictured, have been seriously injured when a man entered the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh in...

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