Chazak has launched a new educational programme at a refurbished building in Hendon.
Rabbi Nathan Kahlani runs Brampton Bet Medrash (BBM) dedicated to selichot and the Shacharit morning service.
Timings enable families to fulfil a school run and work commitments.
Over 50 people joined Chazak on the first day followed by over 100 participants in the first week.
Rabbi Kahlani did not plan to return to England after making Aliyah with his family 17 years ago but changed his mind after viewing what Chazak has created.
Rabbi Moshe Levy, Chazak executive director, described the programme as an exciting new chapter.
“We have wanted to create a Bet Medrash programme for many years and now with a dedicated Rosh Bet Medrash we have the team to be able to do it,” he explained.
“Our dream is to create a space where everyone is welcome and feels part of a wider community, particularly for those that haven’t yet been able to find that.”
An evening programme is available alongside daily shiurim (Monday to Thursday).