Chief of ICU Medicine Prof. Eliyahu Sorkin of Mayanei Yeshua Hospital briefed the media on Wednesday, 4 Kislev, on Maran HaGaon HaRav Aharon Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita.
“When we refer to Rabbi Shteinman and rabbonim like him, we cannot simply refer to their bodies. Their age is not relevant for they are in a different world. Their bodies are a means and not an entity as is the case with us and they have control, something we cannot understand.
There is an issue with a kidney and we are searching for a solution. His heart, cardiac and main life functions are fine. I do not view his situation as life-threatening, but I do not know what tomorrow will bring. This morning, his condition was significantly worse than now. There were issues with his heart and blood pressure. I do not wish to give more details.”
At first it was reported the Rabbi’s condition was stable, and he remained for observation but it now appears he has taken a turn for the worse. Doctors initially reported the Rabbi was moved to an ICU and he was not informed of the passing of his daughter, Rebbetzen Rochel Devorah Berlin A”H, whose levaya has now taken place. The Rebbetzen, 72 was his oldest daughter.
Earlier, Ponevezh Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Gershon Edelstein together with Rabbi Shalom Cohen called for all affiliated yeshivos and talmidei torah to interrupt their regular schedule to recite prayers for Rabbi Shteinman.
The community is urged to pray for Rabbi Aharon Yehuda Leib ben Gitel Feiga.