By David Saffer
JEWISH charities have benefited to the tune of over £160,000 following the Virgin Money London Marathon on Sunday.
Runners completed the iconic 26.2 mile distance spurred on by a stirring atmosphere as over 40,000 participants took to the streets cheered on by supporters.
Participants from across the country drew great acclaim from Jewish organisations.
Eleven runners raised £65k in aid of Chai Cancer Care.
Chai chairman, Louise Hager praised each runner’s commitment and dedication over many months of training.
Ricky Green raised an astonishing £28k and completed the marathon in five hours.
Coby Bull finished in a similar time raising over £7.5k. “Chai are always at the end of the phone, they help through the emotional roller coaster that is cancer,” he said.
Jonathan Barr, who completed the New York marathon ten weeks post-chemotherapy two years ago, ran alongside wife, Lauren, raising 10k for Chai and the North London Hospice.
“Chai have been a rock, they have shown me such kindness and understanding,” he said.
“The most amazing part were the crowds,” said Mikey Salem, who has raised over £5k. “From the second you cross the start line until the finish the crowd is cheering you on.
“Every runner goes through good and challenging miles, and miles where you aren’t sure you can do it,” added Charlotte Hamilton, who ran with fiancé Ben Menahem raising funds for Chai and Jewish Women’s Aid. “It is humbling to be cross the finish line for a cause you believe in, which ultimately keeps you going.”
“It’s important to spread awareness and funds so the service can continue to grow,” said Michaela Krantz, who found the event uplifting.
“Family and friends who came to watch really helped keep me going especially for the last few miles,” said Rachel Caplin, who raced in memory of her mother.
“It was an amazing experience and one I’ve always wanted to be part of,” commented Jo Benjamin.
“The first 15 miles were easy, but it became tougher every mile that passed,” Josh Dvir said.
“The London Marathon is THE charity marathon and it was so worthwhile to run for this amazing organisation,” noted Melanie Ross
Ten runners raised £25k for Kisharon.
Rabbi Joshua Conway came home first for the charity in 3 hours 44 minutes.
Saul Mayers and girlfriend Lorin Bradley ran the marathon together. “The race exceeded all expectations and was truly our most extraordinary experience,” commented Saul.
Miranda Shemen finished in just under four hours followed by mum, Danielle Donne.
Other runners included Eli Patashnik, Deborah Clayden and Vic Aboudara.
“Kisharon has nothing but admiration for the commitment demonstrated by the runners who trained, ran and fundraised for learning disabilities,” said Richard Franklin, Kisharon communications director.
A further 10 runners representing Leeds Jewish Welfare Board reached beyond its £20k target in the 140th anniversary of the organisation caring for the community.
Philip Myers, brothers Marcus and Jamie Lee, Paul Berwin, Danny Rosenberg, Monica Angel, Deborah Stewart, Elissa Yurowitz and Ilan Sherman ran alongside veteran runner Lloyd Rakusen.
Lloyd, who has completed 15 marathons for the Welfare Board and celebrates his 70th birthday this year, again displayed his on-going support and commitment.
“The team has worked incredibly hard both in training and in fundraising,” said Tracy Bickler, communications manager.
“All the runners surpassed their individual goals with the promise of donations.
“The support of the community together with the dedication and commitment from the team is humbling and enables us to continue our vital work in the community.”
Dedicated marathon runners raised £20k for Jewish Care.
Josh Domb, 27, ran the course in an impressive 3 hours 10 minutes.
“I’m buzzing, it was an incredible experience from start to finish,” he said. “Seeing my parents cheering their hearts out with 100 meters to go will stay with me for a very long time.”
Jewish Care director of fundraising and marketing Daniel Carmel-Brown marked his 20th year working for the organisation by finishing his first marathon in just under five hours.
Daniel dedicated his race to his 1,400 colleagues and 3,000 volunteers.
Suffering from cramp at 25 miles, he thought of those who support the Jewish community of London and South East.
“There is digging deep and there is reaching beyond what is normal for a human being to do to achieve a lifetime ambition,” he said. “It was like an out of body experience, it is truly the case that ‘thinking the impossible’ does make things possible.”
Talk Radio producer Matt Blom, 26, completed the marathon.
“The atmosphere is what made it with everyone cheering you on,” he noted. “Running across Tower Bridge is something I will never forget, it was an incredible moment.”
Real estate manager Yael Kohn travelled from Ranana in Israel and the marathon in a shade under four hours. “I have dreamt of completing this marathon and to do it supporting the work of Jewish Care is a truly worthy way to achieve this dream,” she said.
Camp Simcha runners raised over £15k to support families coping with serious childhood illness.
“Running the marathon is no small commitment and we are immensely grateful our runners chose to do it,” said chief executive Neville Goldschneider.
Jonny Phillips of Edgware, who has raised over £23,000 for the charity since 2010, completed his fifth London marathon for the charity.
“I know some of the families supported and hear about the unconditional care they get, supporting an amazing charity elevates the whole marathon experience,” he said.
Darrel Yawitch, also from Edgware, completed the course in an impressive 3 hours 7 minutes.
“The atmosphere and cheers really kept me going and the sight of the Camp Simcha staff waiting with a sandwich at the end was wonderful,” he quipped.
Arie Gurvits, Pinchos Herskovic, Shloimy Roth and Yossi Schloss finished the course for the charity.
British Emunah director Deborah Nathan praised the efforts of the charity’s six runners from London, Leeds and Manchester raising £12k towards a new dormitory at the charity’s children’s centre in Afula, Israel.
“Their achievements will be doubly rewarded with the match funding that Emunah in Israel has secured for the refurbished dormitory building in Afula,” she said.
Jonny Gould was the first team member to pass the finish line in 3 hours 50 minutes followed by Marc Jackson in a fraction under four hours.
“Having my family there gave me a real boost but experience told me to slow down and enjoy it, which is what I did,” said Jonny of Leeds, running his first London marathon for Emunah.
“The last six miles were a bit challenging and you realise it is as much about mental energy as physical effort,” commented Londoner Marc, spurred on by wife Wendy who runs the Emunah eBay online charity shop.
Other runners were Claire Gothelf, David Bondt, Roey Freilich and marathon veteran Flora Frank.
“I got to six miles and wanted to pack it in,” said Claire, who ran in memory of her dad, Harvey Gothelf, and had a picture of him on her back. “It was so hard, I started off too quickly but I did it and there was a huge sense of satisfaction,” she said.
Claire’s proud mum, Margaret Gothelf, is a long-term Emunah supporter and cheered her daughter on from the sidelines.
First-time runners David Bondt and Roey Freilich took longer than expected due to injury and the sheer number of runners.
“The training app on my phone showed I had actually done 28 miles,” said David.
“The first five miles were okay and then it was tough. Things sped up and I was sprinting but had to stop and talk to Roey as he was injured.
“We ran part of the way arm in arm and then he bravely carried on.”
Great grandmother and Jewish educator, Flora Frank, competed under the Norwood banner while also raising funds for Emunah, crossing the line in six hours 41 minutes.