(C) Blake Ezra Photography Ltd. 2021


The London School of Jewish Studies (LSJS) was proud to be part of The Sacks Legacy Trust’s “Communities in Conversation” project which marked the first yahrtzeit of Rabbi Lord Sacks zt”l. The event, kindly hosted by Western Marble Arch Synagogue, bought together 100 guests in-person with a further 400 joining online. Following a warm welcome by Western Marble Arch’s President, Michael Ziff, Rabbi Dr Zarum, Dean of LSJS, opened the event with the mourner’s prayer before introducing S&P Senior Rabbi Dweck who spoke about “Covenant and Conversation”. Rabbi Epstein of Western Marble Arch spoke in the second half of the event about “Becoming a Good Citizen”.

The event finished with Rabbi Sacks’ daughter Gila sharing some closing thoughts with the audience about how the out-pouring of love and support from Rabbi Sacks’ followers around the world has been such a comfort to her and the family.

Joanne Greenaway, LSJS CEO “We were thrilled that our Torah of Rabbi Sacks course could form part of such an important global day of learning and honoured to play our part in affirming his legacy, recognising our tremendous debt of gratitude to him.  It was a particular privilege to share this moment with members of the Sacks family who, as he always stressed, are his most important legacy.”

Rabbi Daniel Epstein, Western Marble Arch said “It was a pleasure and a privilege to be able to participate in the commemoration of the first yahrtzeit of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks zt”l. His loss is tremendous for all of us but the ability to come together to learn his torah gives us hope for the future that his teachings will live on for generations to come”.

Speaking about the ‘Communities in Conversation’ project, Gila Sacks said “It means more than I can say to us, his family, that you are helping to carry forward his teaching in this beautiful way. Thank you for continuing the work my father began, and may the work he began be a blessing for all of us.”

Last night’s event is part of the LSJS “Torah of Rabbi Sacks“ course which features teachers who learnt directly from Rabbi Sacks. The course, which began in January, celebrates and delves into the life and work of Rabbi Sacks who was an integral part of LSJS throughout his career, from gaining semicha at Jews’ College (now LSJS) to then becoming a lecturer, Principal and then Honorary President. The next part of the course is on 8th November and features Dr Lindsay Simmonds and Rabbi Barry Kleinberg – please visit www.lsjs.ac.uk to book you place for either in-person or online.

The Torah of Rabbi Sacks course is sponsored in loving memory of Arnold Lee, Chair of Jews’ College, now LSJS, 1972-1988, an early mentor and lifelong supporter of Rabbi Sacks zt”l.


The LSJS Autumn term is now on sale for more information on courses and events please call 0208 203 6427 or email lsjsadmin@lsjs.ac.uk