King David was hiding in a cave, when remarkably his own father in law, King Saul came in to the same cave, together with three thousand armed men, all ready to kill him. Indeed, David spent much time being pursued by Saul. Hotly pursued and with his life in mortal peril, he uttered a desperate plea to be spared from destruction. When Saul fell asleep, David’s men urged him to kill his oppressor, and finally put an end to all his trouble and sorrow. David forcibly refused, and sneaked out of his hiding place. With his men watching highly in anticipation, David crept up to Saul in the black of night, and only cut off a bit of his cloak, to show him that he could have killed him but didn’t. His men were unsurprisingly astounded but Jews on the very highest level of spirituality often do things that us mere mortals can only wonder at. Whilst it was noble of King David not to kill him, he was ultimately punished and at the end of his life clothes no longer warmed him. That is another subject entirely, but you can see how Hashem judges the most righteous on an extremely high level. This psalm contains a well-known verse that has become an extremely popular Jewish song. ‘Yishlach meshamyim vyosheeine, cheref shoafi selah, yishlach Elokim chasdo vaamito – He will dispatch from heaven and save me from the disgrace of the one who yearns to swallow me Selah, G-d will dispatch his mercy and his truth.’ David prays to Hashem to fulfil his promise and save him from Saul and ultimately, G-d’s mercy and truth were shown to the entire world with the demise of Saul and the remarkable rise to power of David that has lasted generations. May all our prayers be answered speedily in our days, Amen.

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