Registration is set to open soon for Tribe’s summer programmes. Tribe, the United Synagogue’s young people’s department, has announced the dates for its programmes for students in Years 5-13.

Tribe’s summer camps will take place this year in the UK for all age groups. Camp will kick off on July 31 for Year 5 pupils, with Years 6-9 beginning at the start of August. Tribe’s leadership camp for Year 10 will feature again this year, as will TLC (Tribe Leadership Camp) for students who have just finished Years 12 and13. TLC is designed to give participants exceptional leadership training, with hands on experience to develop valuable leadership and organisational skills.

Activities across the camps are likely to include sport, hiking, outdoor inflatables, high ropes and arts and crafts in a warm Jewish atmosphere including an inspirational Shabbat. Tribe is also taking applications for madrichim (leaders) and anyone interested in applying should contact Tomor Belovski via<>.

Tribe also hopes to run its popular Israel Tour in July for students in Year 11. This will be the first time Tribe has been able to run it since 2019 because of the pandemic.

Full details are available via<>. Camp registration will open on the February 1 but young people can register their interest now.

Tribe’s Head of Operations, Tamara Jacobson, said: “Summer 2022 is set to be big! It might be freezing outside and only January but Tribe have been busy for the past few months planning a jam-packed programme for your children and grandchildren for the summer. Our enthusiastic madrichim (leaders) help us create an inclusive and warm environment for everyone on the trip so if you’d like to be part of our team, we’d love to hear from you to help us deliver the summer of a lifetime for hundreds of our young people. We will of course be keeping an eye on the pandemic and will follow government guidance at all times.”