Work Avenue put the focus on mental health this month with over 50 people attending a wellbeing online event.
The half day conference recognised the difficulties many people have with their mental health at this time of year. It coincided with communal initiatives such as Mental Health Shabbat.
And it followed Work Avenue’s recent survey of the Jewish community where 51% of respondents said that job and business had negatively affected their mental health in 2021.
Work Avenue launched Wellbeing@Work last year in response to the challenges of the pandemic.
Emma May, Director of Operations and Employment, said, “We recognise only too well the continuing importance of mental health and wellbeing in the workplace and this annual conference allows us to continue the dialogue.”
The event’s keynote speakers were life coach Elissa Benjamin, Rabbi Elchonon Feldman of the Jewish Counselling Service and Dr Laura David, founder of Smart About Health.
Dr David said, “Wellbeing at work is now a critical priority for businesses small and large, with the health of employees being central to this. Talking openly and frankly about the issues people are experiencing in their lives and how this impacts their work is critical to changing the narrative around mental health stigma and events like the work avenue one will help move the needle.”
Sarit Gafan, founder of Highest Goodwill Being attended the conference.
She said: “It was reassuring to see the thread of self-care, compassion and community support being discussed within the context of work.”
Work Avenue client facing staff are trained in mental health first aid.