Statement from Chief Rabbi Goldschmidt’s statement on leaving his post as Chief Rabbi of Moscow
I would like to thank G-d that my wife Dara and myself were given the opportunity to take part in the historic renaissance of Russian Jewry for the last 33 years from the time of the fall of the Soviet Union. We did our best to navigate and build the community through the tumultuous 1990s and in the increasingly authoritarian Russia under the current president. As the terrible war against Ukraine unfolded over the last few months, I could not remain silent, viewing so much human suffering, I went to assist the refugees in Eastern Europe and spoke out against the war. As time progressed, despite re-electing me to the position of Chief Rabbi last month, it became clear that the Jewish community of Moscow would be endangered by me remaining in my position. Sad as I am, in the circumstances, it is clearly in the interest of the future of the community that I now leave my post. As President of the Conference of European Rabbis, I shall continue to serve the rabbis and communities of Europe, including the community of Moscow, to the very best of my abilities. May G-d bless and keep the Moscow Jewish community