In an extraordinary demonstration of support, over 5,500 donors ensured Kisharon has the ability to continue delivering vital front line services for everyone supported by the charity. The flagship campaign raised over £1.6m in just 36 hours. Every donation made was doubled by generous matchers.

Social care funding for people with learning disabilities has never been more important. The money raised will go towards the £2.1m funding required for the next year to support people with some of the most complex needs in the community. With conventional fundraising being all but impossible due to ongoing Covid restrictions, the astonishing £1.6m raised will help to keep services running and ensure Kisharon can look forward to the eventual mergence from the pandemic with support from the community intact. The front line services can continue with progressive plans to meet fast changing demands with ongoing revenue costs now covered. The continued restrictive approach to social care funding maintained in the Chancellors recent budget, means the pressure on front line services like Kisharon has been all the more acute.

The 36-hour campaign focused on ability and demonstrated in a series of uplifting and fun TikTok style films how Kisharon offers people that are impacted with learning disabilities the ability to do what they do best. Stars of the campaign included Danny who has a passion for cooking, Illana who practices yoga, Gitty who loves to play & explore, Chaim Dovid – an all-round good sport and Jack a natural artist. The community responded to the message showing their ability to donate, to ensure the remarkable Kisharon supportive team can continue to deliver opportunities focusing on the positive and each individuals’ ability.

Albeit a little tired after 36 hours of fundraising Chief Executive, Richard Franklin, was nonetheless exhilarated by the community response,   “This past year I have been astounded with people’s ingenuity, flexibility, creativity and determination.  Nowhere more has this now proven to be the case than by our supporters ability to fundraise. I am so in awe of just how universally warm and generous our community has been over the past 2 days. Over 5,500 donors (a staggering 55% increase on last year) believed in those we support and their abilities. One Grandmother called me in tears reading a message from her five year old Granddaughter, “Thank you Safta for raising so much money for a school that brings out the best in everyone” – That is not just a gift, this changes the way future generations will think about learning disabilities”.

Mother of Kisharon Noé School pupil Chanochi, Jane Pearl was delighted to hear how much was raised, “Chanochi is so happy at Kisharon Noé School and has thrived during his time there being educated and cared for by the most incredible team. We could not be any prouder of the way he is growing and developing in so many different ways. Every donation that was made will make a big difference to every person at Kisharon. The money raised will give people supported by Kisharon the ability to achieve their full potential and more”.

Kisharon’s attention now turns to the Queens speech on 11th May and the government’s legislative plans for social care. Richard adds, “Let’s hope they take the opportunity to be visionary in their thinking – and grasp the appetite for change so clearly demonstrated by our wonderful donors who I cannot thank enough”.

Donations can still be made at:

All donations are greatly appreciated.