Parshat Nitzavim – Vayelech

Why do Selichot always start on a Saturday night? This coming Motzei Shabbat in Ashkenazi circles we will be commencing our season of Selichot. Until medieval...

Parshat Ki Tetze

A teacher’s mistake once caused a national catastrophe. This week’s Parasha of Ki Tetze gives us the Mitzvah, ‘Timche Et Zeicher Amalek Mitachat Hashamayim Lo...

The Chief Rabbi’s Dvar Torah – PURIM

x In his D’var Torah this week, the Chief Rabbi explains why Purim can be regarded as the holiest day of the year. On Purim, which...

Parashat Vayigash

In this week’s D’var Torah the Chief Rabbi asks how we can maximise the opportunity of every day. How many days old are you? This sounds...

Parshat Vayera

How do we explain the incongruous nature of the blessings at a brit milah? At a circumcision the mohel makes the bracha: ‘al hamila’...

Chief Rabbi’s Dvar Torah : Parshat Ki Tisa

In Parashat Ki Tisa, after the sin of the golden calf, Hashem declared his intention to destroy our people. Moshe, on behalf of the...

Parshat Vayetze

In this week’s D’var Torah the Chief Rabbi ponders the question: why are we compared to dust? Why are we compared to dust? In Parashat Vayetzei...

Chief Rabbi’s Dvar Torah : Parshat Tzav In his D’var Torah this week, the Chief Rabbi explains why this will be a great Shabbat… The Shabbat before Pesach is called Shabbat HaGadol,...

Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur is an anniversary; it’s the day on which Moshe came down from Mount Sinai on the second occasion. You’ll recall how, on...

Parshat Ki Tavo

There is a punishment for not being happy. It’s in this week’s Parasha of Ki Tavo: the long list of the Klalot, the curses, of...

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