Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur is an anniversary; it’s the day on which Moshe came down from Mount Sinai on the second occasion. You’ll recall how, on...

Chief Rabbi’s Dvar Torah : Parshat Vayikra

In his D’var Torah this week, the Chief Rabbi explains why we must invest in our teachers. https://youtu.be/O_TxeSSJ4iI The leftovers of the ‘Mincha’ offering were to...

Parshat Matot-Masei

Rabbi Zecharia ben Avkulas was responsible for the destruction of our Temple. Who was this Rabbi and why was such a suggestion given? During these...

Parshat Va’etchanan

The Ten Commandments are made up of five pairs. Usually, when it comes to the Decalogue, which of course, we will be reading this Shabbat...

Tisha B’Av

It is forbidden to study Torah. This is one of the surprising Halachot of the fast day of Tisha B’Av, which we will be...

Parshat Lech-Lecha

It isn’t just about the destination, the journey counts as well. At the beginning of Parashat Lech Lecha, we have details of the epic journey...

Parshat Noach

You don’t have to be famous in order to leave a great legacy. Parashat Noach commences with the headline ‘Eileh Toldot Noach’, These are the...

Walking, standing & sitting – Vayeshev

THE OLDEST BROTHER In the Biblical panoply, Reuben, Jacob’s oldest son, is not one of the leading lights. He played a significant role in the fate...

Parshat Pinchas

Why are almonds significant for us? This Shabbat, the first Shabbat of the Three Weeks, we will be reading a Haftorah from the first chapter...

Parshat Chayei Sarah

From Eliezer we learn, G-d helps those who live their entire life in order to help others. Our sages teach, Gadol Sichatam Shel Avdei Avot...

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