The Chief Rabbi’s Dvar Torah : Parshat Terumah   In his D’var Torah this week, the Chief Rabbi teaches us that when we master the art of giving, we receive in return. At the...

Chief Rabbi’s Dvar Torah : Parshat Tazria Metzora In his D’var Torah this week, the Chief Rabbi discusses the meaning of “Yom Ha’atzmaut”. The term Yom Ha’atzmaut is taken from the root ‘Etzem’,...

Chief Rabbi’s Dvar Torah : Parshat Tzav In his D’var Torah this week, the Chief Rabbi explains why this will be a great Shabbat… The Shabbat before Pesach is called Shabbat HaGadol,...

Parshat Vayetze

In this week’s D’var Torah the Chief Rabbi ponders the question: why are we compared to dust? Why are we compared to dust? In Parashat Vayetzei...

Walking, standing & sitting – Vayeshev

THE OLDEST BROTHER In the Biblical panoply, Reuben, Jacob’s oldest son, is not one of the leading lights. He played a significant role in the fate...

The Chief Rabbi’s Dvar Torah – PURIM

x In his D’var Torah this week, the Chief Rabbi explains why Purim can be regarded as the holiest day of the year. On Purim, which...

Parshat Chayei Sarah

From Eliezer we learn, G-d helps those who live their entire life in order to help others. Our sages teach, Gadol Sichatam Shel Avdei Avot...

Chief Rabbi Dvar Torah: Behar – Bechukotai

More than one million names of Shoah victims are not known to us. I find this to be so heart-breaking. Entire families were wiped...

Parashat Beha’alotecha – How long should a prayer take?

The Gemarah in Mesechet Brachot (34a) tells us of a story of a Tefillah, a prayer service, which was taking place in the Beit...

Parashat Vayigash

In this week’s D’var Torah the Chief Rabbi asks how we can maximise the opportunity of every day. How many days old are you? This sounds...

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