Rachel Fink, Head of Hasmonean Girls High School named as new JFS headteacher

The leadership team, governors and trustees of Hasmonean High School would like to congratulate Head of Hasmonean Girls’ Rachel Fink on being appointed as...

Man arrested following death of former JFS pupil

A former JFS pupil has died after falling from an eight-storey Brookbank block of flats in Enfield. 22-year-old Annabelle Lancaster died from injuries sustained in the tragedy on Sunday. Police said Ms Lancaster, originally from...

Jewish woman murdered in London

A man is to appear at The Old Bailey on Wednesday charged with the murder of a Jewish woman in north-west London on Shabbat...

Shomrim urge police and CPS to do more to halt rising hate crimes

By Jeremy Scholnick  The President of the Stamford Hill Shomrim, Rabbi Hershel Gluck is calling upon the police to be more proactive against anti-Semitic crime...

Tories on course for landslide

The Conservative Party have opened up a record 22-point lead over Labour according to an ICM research poll. The Tories are holding at 49...

Ice Scream for ShabbatUK. Click here for story and picture gallery!

Uncle Doovy’s revamped ice cream van has started its whistle-stop tour of Jewish schools, synagogues and challah makes up and down the country handing...

Balfour Centenary celebrated in style

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu engaged with British Jewish leaders on a range of topics during his visit to celebrate the Balfour Declaration Centenary. The Board...

Boys assaulted in Golders Green

Two young boys were physically and verbally assaulted in Golders Green on early Sunday evening (7.30pm) The local Jewish community is in shock over the...

Canvey: The Promised Island

The BBC’s documentary on Chasidic Jews who have moved from Stamford Hill to Canvey Island, aired on Tuesday night, to wide acclaim amongst the...

JLM and JLC rebuff Labour anti-Semitism leaflet 

A Labour Party leaflet aimed at tackling anti-Semitism has been criticised by communal bodies. The five-page 'No Place For Anti-Semitism' document produced by Labour officials was anticipated being sent to party members but the Jewish Labour...

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