Stress Ball

We all get a little stressed and angry sometimes. Can you imagine how upset the Jewish people must have felt when they thought Moshe...

Parshah Ki Tisa

In this week’s parshah the Jewish people are once again told about keeping Shabbat. Moshe goes up the mountain to get the Luchot from Hashem. ...

Arts and Crafts

It’s a big mitzvah to donate to charity or tzedakah. Some families collect money each week to put in their tzedakah box; others empty...

To give or not to give?

Ari had just settled down on the couch with a new book and a cold drink. Ah, this was the life. Soon he was...


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The Best Mark

Sarah wondered why people called them butterflies; they felt more like bunny rabbits to her. Butterflies are small, delicate and flutter lightly, but her...

Parshat Terumah

In this week’s Parshah, Moshe receives the instructions from Hashem on how to build the Mishkan. Do you know what the Mishkan was? The...

Omelette in a bag

Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 15 minutes Gluten Free Nut Free Dairy or Parve Ingredients: ·         2 eggs ·         2 tbsp. milk...

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