Psalm 121

We arrive at quite possibly the most famous psalm of the whole book of Tehillim. ‘Esah einai el heharim, meayin yavo ezri. Ezri ma’im Hashem...

Tehilim – Psalm 41

This tehillim is in memory of Hayeled Yaakov Moshe ben HaRav Avraham This week’s Psalm is one of the chapters that we say when we...

Tehilim – Psalm 17

In this week’s psalm, we start with a phrase that is tremendously essential for the Jewish people throughout life, “Hakeshivah rinati ha’azinah tefilati –...

Ask The Rabbi

Pesach Cleaning or OCD   Dear Rabbi It’s that time of year again! I always find post Purim a really anxious time as I get stuck in...


The sugya on Daf 32b debates whether צער בעלי חיים is a Torah law or not, but gives no indication where it is mentioned...


by R' Yaacov Schonberg PRIVACY IN HALACHA The opening dafim of Bava Basra discuss היזק ראיה, damage by visual access. Partners who share a yard or...

An “Extra” Ten Commandments For Shavuot 2024

By Rabbi Moshe Taragin For over two thousand years, humanity lived in darkness and confusion. The human imagination could not imagine a One G-d responsible...

Yehoshua’s Name Change By Rabbi Danny Mirvis

“These are the names of the men who Moshe sent to spy out the Land, and Moshe called Hoshea bin Nun, ‘Yehoshua’” (Bamidbar 13:16). This...

DAF TOPICS by Yakov Schonberg from OHR HAMERCAZ

BAL TOLIN – PUNCTUAL WAGES Paying wages punctually is probably the most common Choshen Mishpat issue that affects most people regularly, yet few are familiar...

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