Torah reading: Balak

MAY JACOB CRITICIZE THE TENTS OF OTHERS? Parashat Balak quotes Bilam's praise of Israel – "How goodly are your tents, O Jacob: your dwelling places,...

What started the conflict? – Ask the Rabbi on Chanukah

Rabbi Apple served for 32 years as the chief minister of the Great Synagogue, Sydney, Australia's oldest and most prestigious congregation. He was Australia's...

Rabbi Taragin on Parshat Bo

Redemption was well under way as the entire country of Egypt had been ravaged by interminable calamities. Once a superpower capable of supporting the...

Ask Rabbi Shochet on Rosh Hashana spent at home

HOW YOU CAN MAKE ROSH HASHANAH AT HOME A MEANINGFUL EXPERIENCE   Dear Rabbi I am what they call a three time a year Jew. That said,...

Ask The Rabbi – Is The Rabbi Moving On?

Is The Rabbi Moving On? Dear Rabbi There’s quite a wide rumour going around that you are being considered for a position on the London Beth...


In this week’s psalm, King David appeals to G-d to rescue him from his enemies. ‘Elokim l’hatzeleni, Hashem l’ezrati chusha- O G-d to rescue...


ETHICS IN BUSINESS Q. How can some people be unethical in business even though they keep kosher homes? A. I honestly don’t know. What you...

The changing tides of the Omer

Jews experience time very deeply. Different stages of our calendar are suited for different religious experiences. During the forty days leading up to Yom...

Chief Rabbi Dvar Torah: Behar – Bechukotai

More than one million names of Shoah victims are not known to us. I find this to be so heart-breaking. Entire families were wiped...

DAF TOPICS by Yakov Schonberg from OHR HAMERCAZ

BAL TOLIN – PUNCTUAL WAGES Paying wages punctually is probably the most common Choshen Mishpat issue that affects most people regularly, yet few are familiar...

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