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Monday 16 September 2024

Tehillim 149

This psalm is full of lofty praise for Hashem. The penultimate psalm of Tehillim has been made into an ever popular Avram Fried song....

Tehillim 148

This week’s psalm brings us within touching distance of the end of Tehillim. It is one of the most all encompassing psalms in the whole...

Psalm 121

We arrive at quite possibly the most famous psalm of the whole book of Tehillim. ‘Esah einai el heharim, meayin yavo ezri. Ezri ma’im Hashem...

Tehillim – Psalm 119

Two weeks ago we came across the shortest psalm in all of Tehillim with just two verses, and now we come across the longest...

Tehillim – Psalm 77

We have just finished the joyful festival of Chanukah. Fresh from watching Jews of all ages light up windows around the world...

Tehillim – Psalm 74

From amidst the tremendous agony of a long drawn out exile, Jews have frequently prayed that Hashem will deliver His nation thereby causing His...


In this week’s psalm, King David appeals to G-d to rescue him from his enemies. ‘Elokim l’hatzeleni, Hashem l’ezrati chusha- O G-d to rescue...

Tehillim – Psalm 58

In Judaism we have a concept not to rejoice too much at our enemies downfall. The classic example of this is during Pesach, when...

Tehillim – Psalm 57

King David was hiding in a cave, when remarkably his own father in law, King Saul came in to the same cave, together with...

Tehillim – Psalm 56

Very often when a person’s situation seems completely hopeless, he will lose all hope and utterly despair. However King David did not lose any...

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