Siyum celebrated at Yavneh Boys

Yavneh Boys celebrated two siyumim on Tuesday. For the past four years Jo Seitler and Zalman Coleman have, on their own initiative,  been learning...

World Jewish Relief’s Life Vice-President Linda Rosenblatt and long-time volunteer Harry Heber have been...

Linda Rosenblatt was awarded for her extraordinary commitment, hard work and impact over more than 35 years of involvement with the charity.  Linda served as a...

Technion U.K. Business Breakfast With Sir Richard Dearlove

Sir Richard Dearlove KCMG OBE, former head of the British Secret and Intelligence Service (MI6), gave a most interesting and enlightening presentation to over...

Business Breakfast with NatWest Group Chief Executive, raises £11,500 for Jewish Care

Alison Rose, Chief Executive of The NatWest Group was interviewed by Michal Berkner, M&A Partner at international law firm Cooley, and James...

Hasmonean Primary School appoints Mrs Hayley Gross as the new Headteacher

The Governors of Hasmonean Primary School are delighted to announce the appointment of Mrs Hayley Gross as the new Headteacher.   Mrs Gross, who has been...

British Emunah’s Deborah Nathan to take up Israel role

British Emunah Director Deborah Nathan is taking up a role that is being created for her at World Emunah in Israel. The new global...

Shabbat Vayechi at United Synagogue in Kenton, with the Travelling Chassidim

Shabbat Vayechi became a landmark Shabbat for the Kenton Jewish community as we welcomed the Travelling Chassidim for the second time. During ShabbatUK 2019, the Kenton...

The media has incited more hatred than necessary –...

By James Marlow Some of the coverage on the international news networks has been absolutely appalling. ITN reported on Tuesday, “Israelis have continued a second...

Mr Joshua Rowe pays tribute to former Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks zt”l

Anyone who heard Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks speak or who has read any of his books knows that he was an...

CNN reveal startling results on Holocaust and anti-Semitism

A new study has revealed startling attitudes in Europe towards the Holocaust and anti-Semitism. Incredibly, 40 percent of young German adults stated that they know...

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