Parshat Metzorah: speech, propaganda, and Seder night

This week's Torah portion describes the procedures that must be taken to cleanse the gossiper inflicted with tzoraat. He is sprinkled with the blood of...

Shavuot: Corona Diary #30 Torah Lands on Earth, But Emerges from Heaven

It all began on this day, atop a mountain of fire and smoke. For 2500 years, humanity failed to grasp a "One G-d" responsible...

The Chief Rabbi’s Dvar Torah – PURIM

x In his D’var Torah this week, the Chief Rabbi explains why Purim can be regarded as the holiest day of the year. On Purim, which...

Torah from Israel : Human Creativity and Religion

The epic project of constructing a mishkan was an unprecedented feat of human engineering and creativity. Instead of delivering a ready-made, heavenly prepared structure, G-d chose to empower humans...

New! Pirkei Avot column!

150 issues since we began, we have reached the conclusion of Tehillim. We are now...

Ask The Rabbi – Help! My Daughter Owns Chametz!

Help! My Daughter Owns Chametz! Dear Rabbi My daughter runs the in-store bakery at our big local supermarket. Every morning she cycles in at 7AM so...

Rabbi Moshe Targin on Purim – We are not living through a lottery?

Each name of a Jewish holiday is iconic. The name Pesach evokes the transformative sacrifice which launched our national liberation. The name Chanukah captures...

Parashat Shelach Lecha

People are like trees. This is a message we can derive from this week’s Parasha of Shelach Lecha. Moshe was sending the 12 spies into...

Ask the Rabbi

Better off without religion? Dear Rabbi, I came across the Jewish Weekly recently in Manchester and I was intrigued by a lot of what I read....

Torah reading: Vayakhel

HOW TO MAKE AMENDS The tabernacle needed to be built, and the people came forward eagerly to participate in the work. Cloths and coverings were needed,...

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