What sort of Jewish state?

The Palestinians and the world are not stupid. They know quite well that we are a Jewish and democratic State. Their deeds leave no...

Rabbi Apple on this week’s Sidrot

TALKING ABOUT TALK It’s strange to have a Torah portion that most people take metaphorically, but that’s what happens with M’tzora. Though the actual theme is...

Pekudei- We Didn’t Start the Fire..in 1948

Some memories never fade. About thirty-five years ago, as a young talmid in Yeshivat Har Etzion/The Gush I witnessed a heated argument which would...

Parshat Terumah: A House for God?!

Many have puzzled over the purpose of the Mishkan. Why does God need a house to dwell in, a peculiar tent-like structure furnished with...

Too Much or Too Little ?

The mighty fall fast and fall hard! Parshat Behaalotecha begins by showcasing a a confident nation, primed to enter to land of destiny and...

Breishit: Repairing Humpty Dumpty

Around twenty five years ago, on Shabbat Breishit, I attended a Friday night talk of Rav Aharon Lichtenstein zt”l prior to Ma’ariv prayers. These...

War in Ukraine, moral complexity in Jerusalem

Life is complex and rarely one-dimensional. Our greatest mistakes occur when we oversimplify complex issues. If our personal lives are complex, history is even...

The fifth question many never ask

BEFORE, DURING or AFTER Pesach Background: I am an insurance broker by profession and for the last 70 years our business has helped our clients with...


Dear Rabbi I wonder if you could explain to me a message we can learn from the Cherubs in the Temple. I understand the significance...

Ask the Rabbi

Better off without religion? Dear Rabbi, I came across the Jewish Weekly recently in Manchester and I was intrigued by a lot of what I read....

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