Parshat Terumah: A House for God?!

Many have puzzled over the purpose of the Mishkan. Why does God need a house to dwell in, a peculiar tent-like structure furnished with...

Parshat Noach

You don’t have to be famous in order to leave a great legacy. Parashat Noach commences with the headline ‘Eileh Toldot Noach’, These are the...

Chief Rabbi’s Dvar Torah : Parshat Ki Tisa

In Parashat Ki Tisa, after the sin of the golden calf, Hashem declared his intention to destroy our people. Moshe, on behalf of the...

Torah Action Life – Tetzaveh



A popular hobby in Israel, and one which bridges many different societal sectors, is a hike through the land, otherwise known as a ‘tiyul’....

Parshat Va’etchanan

The Ten Commandments are made up of five pairs. Usually, when it comes to the Decalogue, which of course, we will be reading this Shabbat...

Sweet at the beginning

Last week, we talked about the importance of the numbers 3 and eighteen in the Amidah. We will now see how the eighteen blessings...

Torah Action Life – Bo


Dear Rabbi I am very upset about what happened in Pittsburgh. It seems we Jews are sitting ducks wherever we are. Is there no escape...

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