Charity boxing dinner proves a winning combo

UK charities Norwood and the Paskin Children’s Trust have benefited to the tune of £125,000 following an annual charity boxing evening at Lancaster London...

Baruch Dayan Ha’emet – Councillor Brian Gordon z”l

We are deeply saddened to inform you of the news of the Petira of Councillor Brian Gordon ז"ל. The Levaya took...

The JLC and Work Avenue launch fund for people impacted by Covid-19 with initial...

The JLC in partnership with Work Avenue has established a fund to support those across the community whose earnings have been directly affected by COVID-19. ...

Seed Serves Pizza in the Hut at 5 Schools

Nearly 800 parents and children joined Jewish education charity Project Seed for the in-school event “Pizza in the Hut” over Succot. The annual event, part...

HJPS receives damning Ofsted report

Hertsmere Jewish Primary School is putting new processes in place after receiving a damning Ofsted report. The school received a rating of ‘Good’ in certain...

75th annual AJEX parade

A parade of WW2 veterans took place on Sunday for the 75th annual Heathlands parade, with temperatures in the low 30s. The parade took place...

Celebration of Rabbi & Rebbetzen Davis’ 20th Anniversary with Chigwell & Hainault Synagogue

Two hundred people attended a concert performed by the London Jewish Male Choir at Chigwell and Hainault Synagogue on Sunday night to celebrate the...

Barnet Synagogue Shabbat UK

An amazing and uplifting Shabbat UK in Barnet Synagogue kicked off with a Challa Make on Thursday evening. Over 100 women took part in...

Dying matters

Paula Plaskow is a social worker and Jewish Care’s End of Life and Palliative Care Lead, and her team are winners of the End-of-Life...

Former Director of the Mossad addresses JNF UK group

On 7 December at an exclusive dinner hosted by JNF UK in support of the JNF UK funded Ezra Le’Marpeh rehabilitation centre in Sderot....

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